Gotta Love: Burt’s Bees Beeswax Lip Balm

Hello everyone! 🙂

Welcome to another post in my ‘Gotta Love’ series. The first one was about The Body Shop: Shea Butter Collection and the second one about the Naked Basics Palette, so if you want, you can check those posts out here and here. 🙂

Today, I’d like to talk about Burt’s Bees. I’ve been reading about these for a long time, everyone was praising it, but (as you might have guessed) they don’t sell those here. So, naturally, when I went abroad I picked one up.

Burt's Bees Beeswax Chapstick - all natural

I am a huge lip care product addict – basically, if I like a lip balm, I will use it up in no time (that’s how I test if I like the product or not) and this was no exception.

~ About Burt’s Bees ~

In case you’re not familiar with Burt’s Bees Lip Balms, they are basically completely eco-friendly, 100% natural lip balms that come in tubes that are made of recycled plastic. There’s currently 10 different lip balms in their collection and yes, I want them all. (one day, I will have the entire collection)

Dream Collection (photo  credit: Google Images)
Dream Collection
(photo credit: Google Images)

But, Burt’s Bees doesn’t only produce wonderful lip balms. They also have a wide range of products, from face and body care products and baby care to lip crayons, lip glosses, lip shines and tinted lip balms! Besides being super affordable, all the mentioned products are natural!

You can check out their website by clicking * here * 🙂

So, the first thing I noticed is that there were many different… options. After many hours of debating, I decided to get the Beeswax Lip Balm.

As soon as I payed, I put it on and my first thought was: ‘Wow, this stings so badly, my lips hurt.’ I figured that my lips were actually very, very chapped and damaged and all my hopes were on this product. I kept using it quite often, as I usually do with my lip-care products, and the results started showing immediately. Almost 2 days later my lips felt smooth and fresh. It’s like they were completely recovered!

The packaging is also nice and quite easy to work with:

Burt's Bees Beeswax Lip Balm - 100% Natural Lip Balm (the outside)

Okay, so you can obviously tell that I’ve used this thing a lot by the looks of the packaging itself. The tag is pealed and almost completely gone, but I try my hardest to keep it in its place.

My almost-pealed-off tag...
My almost-pealed-off tag…

So, what I particularly love about this lip balm (besides the obvious ‘it healed my lips’ part) is that it’s not as glossy and sticky like some lip balms sometimes are. It sets in place and keeps your lips moisturized for a long time without being all sticky.

Burt's Bees Beeswax Lip Balm - 100% Natural Lip Balm (the inside)

Burt's Bees Beeswax Lip Balm - 100% Natural Lip Balm (the inside - 2)

Also, the great thing is – it has peppermint inside (which is what was stinging my lips in the beginning)! I always know that if there’s guys I’m supposed to be kissing I can rely on my trusty Burt’s Bees Beeswax Lip balm — nah, I’m just joking, I’m as single and as anti-social as they get. 😀 But it does leave your lips feeling super fresh!

I use this product everyday, a few times a day, actually, (basically whenever I feel my lips getting dry) including when I get up and before I go to bed. Also, here’s a #lifehack for ya: before applying your makeup, put this lip balm on. The fact that it isn’t sticky and that the skin absorbs it right away means that by the time you get to your lips, it will be semi-dry, perfect for applying lipstick on top. Especially if you’re using a matte lipstick, which can be pretty drying.

Beeswax Lip Balm - Burt's Bees

 And that’s it! 😀 So, overall, I adore this lip balm. I do wish they were sold in DM, though. (honestly, if they were, I’m pretty sure I’d have the entire collection by now) It is wonderful and probably the most-used product in my house.

I hope you enjoyed this post. 🙂

Have you tried any Burt’s Bees products? Which one is your favorite?

Tell me in the comments because I do plan to try their hand creams as well as the lip crayons they have. 😀

Burt’s Bees Website:

Burt’s Bees Twitter: @burtsbees and @burtsbeesuk 

Thank you so much for reading and I’ll see you soon. 🙂


~ Dora


* this is not a sponsored post, everything has been purchased with my own money and I just really love this product *

9 Comments Add yours

  1. fiercevillain says:

    Lovely blog ((: just followed
    If you have time, please check out my fashion blog


    1. Dora says:

      I am so sorry for not replying to you earlier, this comment (for some reason) ended up in my ‘spam’ section. It’s so weird, sorry again for the inconvenience. ( I still do love your blog haha 😀 )

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I love this balm! A friend of mine gave me a set last christmas and I have been hooked on them since.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dora says:

      Aaahhh, so glad I’m not the only one who’s, basically, addicted! 😀
      When it comes to skincare/lipcare, in my eyes – natural is the best (and probably the only) way to go and this lipbalm is just wonderful!

      ( Thank you so much for reading and commenting 🙂 )


  3. JullaRand says:

    Hi love! xxx I’ve nominated you for a bloggers award 🙂 you can see the post here : lots of love! xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dora says:

      Hey 🙂
      Oh wow, thank you so much! I’ll check it out now. 😀



  4. stalno škicam Burt’s bees proizvode,,, privlači me apsoulutno sve, ali mislim da ću krenuti s nekim balzamom 😀
    super recenzija 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dora says:

      Da, prosto su sjajni! 🙂
      Hvala puno! 😀


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