Demotivation (and thoughts) | #thisisbetterthantherapy Pt. 1

Heya! So… college has really taken a toll on me and I have a bunch of thoughts, so I’m hoping that I can use this as therapy, kinda? We’ll see. note: (This post is kinda inspired by Tessa Violet’s take on Vlogmas so far – I love her chatty videos, they always make me think,…

The Importance of an Undershirt | SoDora

Hello! So, today I’d like to talk you about a secret passion of mine – undershirts. Now, I am pretty sure that I am one of the very few people in my friend group that actually wears undershirts, however – I firmly believe that they are essential, especially in the coming months. This will be aimed…

Recent Favourites | SoDora

Hello! Oh wow, it’s a ‘favourites’ post! Yes, yes, I know, in my last post I said ‘different’ posts and ‘soon’, but I just couldn’t resist the consumerism! And these posts were always quite fun to write, so let’s give it a go. 🙂 (also, if you’d like to check out any of the products,…


Hey… HELLOOOOO! Oh my gosh, hi!  Um, this is super weird. You might not remember me, or you might not know who I am. Either is fine, really. I am so not used to this anymore, it scares me. I can already tell this will be a rambly post, so here’s a fair warning, I…

Christmas Cupcakes – Festive Baking | Blogmas [Day 20] ❄️

I love food. It’s no secret. And I’m about 90% sure that you do to. I also love cooking and baking and making – it’s just so fun and rewarding! I’ll be honest with you, the only reason why I’ve never done baking posts is because the lighting in my kitchen is absolutely horrible. But,…